Tag Archives: keenan

The Music Box


I have started a fund raising project for the new film, The Music Box.

The Music Box is a story about one man who had to face what he considered the worst night of his life, till he walked a mile in the shoes of someone else.

James Maxwell is a successful lawyer in the legal department of a television station with a wife and kids. Most people would think of his life as being good.

But there is an underlying sense of sadness to James Maxwell. He was an up and coming financial manager who flew across the world to complete his deals. While he was in Japan on a business trip, his first fiance, Susan, died after a drunk driver collided with her car.


All James had to remind him of their time was a small music box he had bought for Susan. Nothing very special, not very expensive. But it was something she enjoyed from the beginning of their life together.

A while after Susan’s death, James met and married Pamela. Together, they built a life, including children. James left the financial market, opting for a position in the legal department of a local TV station where he wouldn’t be traveling so much. James kept the music box on a mantle in their house.


To spare Pamela’s feelings, James never told her why the music box was so special. Due to a mistake, Pamela sold the music box as part of a yard sale. She sold it to an elderly man she had seen in the local park.

James became frantic about wanting to reacquire the music box.


James was able to track down the elderly man, Henry Stein, who turned out to be a Holocaust survivor. He had wanted the music box because the box reminded him of a box his mother had when Henry was a child. Henry Stein could listen to the box and remember all the family members who lost their lives in the Holocaust.


My campaign is only asking $1500.00 dollars from people at large. There aren’t many perks available for this movie. I don’t know what I will do about the dancers, but I’m really not expecting any one person to give me $1000.000


So far, for the cast, I have an agreement with the fabulous Patrick Higgs as Henry Stein. I still need one male and two females for cast members.

But, the exciting news is that I’ve lined up Alexander Clark to be my director of photography with his soon-to-be wife Bri Lewis as his assistant and my dear friend Liz Metcalf will be returning as my assistant director. My good friend, Shane Michaels will be co-producing this film with me.

In addition to the needed cast members, we need someone who can handle the sound recording and someone who can be the boom operator.  And a make-up artist who can age a person a few years.  If anyone would like to talk to me about the job, contact me through southciceromedia@roadrunner.com


For everyone else, I could use $1500.00 dollars to help flesh out the budget. Please consider donating to me. If nothing else, please share the link for this blog. If you cannot help, maybe someone who sees it on your page can.

Backwards Into The Future

Well, with the premieres of the Owensboro film finally behind me, my thoughts can turn toward future projects.

What’s in the future for myself and South Cicero Media? Projects with which to keep stretching myself. First of all, one on which I’m already working, a documentary called The Great Crusade.

normandy2June 6th, 1944, the Western Allied Armies invaded the Normandy coastline of France, establishing a second battle front in Europe against the Nazi armies. Next June marks the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings and I feel I should do something to commemorate the individuals who helped launch the Great Crusade.

Several years ago, I made a documentary about WWII over all. I used actual newsreel footage, from a variety of sources, photographs, and the radio broadcasts from those days. * This time, I am concentrating on a well-known campaign, the Normandy Invasion. There will be extensive narration with some dramatic readings and possibly interviews from historians and maybe a few veterans.

Beyond the Great Crusade, I believe it might be time to turn my attention to fictional films.

One I hope to do is tentatively titled Shadows Dancing. It will be based on a small item I read in a book about the Leopold and Loeb murders, about a relationship of mismatched souls which ends tragically. This film will be using the forms of a documentary but, although based on a real incident, will have a central story that is fiction. ^

Beyond those two will be a comedy called Schnickeroodle Wannabe Post-toasted Modesto. This film will be round, or perhaps square with an overhead that’s too high and a brow that’s too low.

*- sources included German propaganda films

^-I dislike that term “mockumentary.” I am neither mocking the idea of documentaries nor am I mocking my audience.

Evansville Showtime!

evansville annoucementOn August 30th & 31st, Owensboro: Portrait From Middle America will be shown at the Evansville Civic Theater Annex in the North Park Shopping Center, 1000 North Park Drive, Evansville IN 47710.

Tickets to this august event are $5.00 per person.

Join with filmmaker Keenan Powell as he talks to civic leaders and a few residents about Owensboro today and what they hope the future holds for Owensboro.

1st night

Well, the first night of the Owensboro: Portrait From Middle America premiere is over with.

We had a few show up for the film. Over half of which I had never met before. They had seen the article in the Messenger-Inquirer and came to see the film. That’s great.

Not too many people, but more than I thought would turn out. And sold some of the DVDs.

Hopefully, an even better response tomorrow night. Then Evansville at the end of the month!

Onward! Forward! Mush, mush! Don’t eat the yellow snow!